Sunday, January 18, 2009

Looking good

I had a dentist's appointment recently, just a cleaning. The dental hygienist introduced herself and explained that the woman who usually cleans my teeth was not there that day. The hygienist was in her mid-forties, pleasant, and had a vibe of taking her job very seriously; she was so professional and methodical. What made me laugh was that when she was cleaning my teeth, after she got started and made some progress, she began talking to herself. She said things like,"Oh yeah, that's much better. There we go. Looking good." It was under her breath, not for my benefit. But I didn't mind hearing that she was pleased with her work. Certainly better than other possible mutterances.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Better than, "Oops!" Or, "Oh, no!!!"
-Monique Ruiz